Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday, November 21, 2008

Drawings Backlog!

These three from my sketchbook were done some time in November. I thought I should put them up, however!
My point? God's children don't all wear floral dresses and floppy hats! I'm trying to go outside the stereotypical little white girls with halos and gowns and songbooks and all that stuff (not saying it's bad!); to rethink the angel theme.

These are both on paper, with watercolours and fine line pen.Lastly, I couldn't resist posting this one! I call her.... FeatherHead!
I got the idea from a postcard of feathers for hair. This particular drawing isn't finished yet (and i couldn't guarantee that it ever will be!) and is pencil, fine liner, and watercolour pencils.


Anonymous said...

Time to post more.