If you want to find out about me, look in my profile, or try to figure it out for yourself through all my brilliant future posts.
One basic thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that I live in the jungle. Yes, I'm an Aussie student. Yes, I live in the Philippines, yes, in the jungle. And yes, it is cool.
The purpose of this blog is to act as an online art diary, combination jungle diary. It may turn out that I'll make art about the jungle... in that case we could all go home quicker, and read less of my disjointed writing.
Some of the art i do this and next year will be working towards my major Body-of-Work (argghh! deadline only 1 year away!! oh no...), but some of it will be non-study works.
- My favourite media is, well, mixed media.
- My preferred technique/tool is pencil drawing
- I love surrealist and fantasy-influenced work, as well as realism, design-influenced work and abstract work.
All right. That's more than enough about me... the rest is classified. I'd have to shoot you.
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