Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So... this is my first ""exhibition"". I can safely call it that because the dictionary definition of 'exhibition' (thank you Google) is "a public display of art, skills, activities, etc." My paintings may not classify as art or skills but they were certainly born of a heck of a lot of activity, and in any case our front lawn is almost a public space.

Its title was 'com·pas·sion: noun 1. ...'

The individual works were for my Tafe course... so here's the skinny: I realised that this morning I got up, ate breakfast with my family, and went off to learn. This morning a 5-year-old girl woke early to start work on her day's quota of shoe soles.

This morning a boy was kicked awake and shot for deserting.

This morning a farmer sat staring at the dry field that wouldn't be able to feed his children.

This morning a family lived with the knowledge that they were not wanted.

This morning a men, women and children were killed or maimed in genocide.
(it may be harder to see, but near the bottom of the paint there is a small man's profile)

This morning a child walked a kilometre to find water that will only cause him sickness.

This morning a home was filled with water... and the walls came down.

So this morning I learned and looked and knew that the knowledge must become compassion. The compassion must act.

(... I just don't know how yet)

Yes, it is depressing to re-discover that this planet has its problems, but only because Western society desperately tries to convince itself that few-and-far-between problems can actually be solved by the next purchase we make. God doesn't waste time like that; He got Paul to write, "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time." (thanks again Google) ...But I love His plan for saving the world! I got to tell my Tafe class that I believed that the only answer to world suffering is God and Him working through people... it was a bit of an internal 'Yes!!' moment and I pray somehow God will use that.

Well, here are some more pics of my """""exhibition""""". Now, at least, I've got plenty of ideas how to improve it for the next time.
(blowing in the breeze - free?)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Dear Blog...

I do love you. Really. Please don't take my extended absence as neglect because it's more like... well... ok, neglect.

I shall soon make it up to you by posting some pictures, how about it?

Be Good,

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book Illustrations

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Follow-up on my BOW

I can't believe I've neglected this blog since June! True, there has been a few exams and graduations, not to mention a move from the Philippines to NSW, Australia, that have got in the way of anything Internet for me.

So, it was in early July 2009 that I finished my Body of Work and sent it off to my teacher in Oz. I had to get my photos printed and backed by a friend, who did a lovely job. I'll have to upload some of the photos I used onto here. I still don't know exactly what mark my BOW was given, but I got a Band 5 in Art - I was hoping for a Band 6, but a high 5 is close enough!

I need to go wash the dishes, but I'll be back before too long to give a proper conclusion to my BOW and show you what I'm doing now.

(It's to do with book illustration :)